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  6. »SPIN Clubs

Midway District

Midway Extension District #15

Ellsworth Office:
210 N. Kansas
Suite #1, Courthouse
Ellsworth, KS 67439

Russell Office:
309 S. Fossil
Russell, KS 67665

Hours: Monday-Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(Closed for lunch 12-1)

SPIN Clubs

4-H SPecial INterest (SPIN) Clubs expand opportunities for youth and adults to experience and benefit from the Kansas 4-H youth development program. Through 4-H SPIN Clubs, youth not typically part of 4-H will participate in sustained 4-H youth development activities led by adult volunteers. In 4-H SPIN Clubs, youth will learn about a subject of interest to them, have positive interactions with their peers, and develop life skills.

For more information contact Karrie Van Winkle, 4-H Youth Development Agent at 785-483-3157


Karrie Van Winkle

4-H Youth Development Agent
309 S Fossil
Russell, KS 67665