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Midway District

Midway Extension District #15

Ellsworth Office:
210 N. Kansas
Suite #1, Courthouse
Ellsworth, KS 67439

Russell Office:
309 S. Fossil
Russell, KS 67665

Hours: Monday-Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(Closed for lunch 12-1)

Governing Board

Extension District Governing Body Duties:

  • Attend meetings scheduled on the 2nd Thursday of every month.
    • Meetings are open to the public for comments. Please contact the District Director, Jessica Kootz, jessicak@ksu.edu, for details prior to the meeting.
  • Responsible for appointing six members from each county to serve on Program Development Committees.
  • Each member is a chairman for each of the Program Development Committees.

How to Get Involved in the Extension District Governing Body

  • Members are elected (four-year terms) on the general election ballot on the first Tuesday in April of each odd-numbered year.
  • Each candidate must file a declaration of candidacy with the county election officer by the filing deadline. 


The Midway District #15 Governing Board 2023

Chair:Gaylon Walter
Vice-Chair:Gunner Hays
Secretary:Amy Westerman
Treasurer:Julie Nienke
Members:Malinda Olson
 Justin Hlaus
 Marcia Blundon
 Virginia Vetter